Thursday 12 November 2009

I'm an Idiot


I'm stupid. Call me slow or even retarted if you wish but I just figured out my behavioural pattern. Abandonment. This is why I am alone. Its my fault. I left.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Swingers Save

The movie ''Swingers'' has been consistently saving my days and my life for the past eight years. If you haven't seen it yet, it may turn out to brighten up your mood and save your day too.
Came stumbling home today from a shitty mexican restaurant a bit stoned and a bit drunk. I was pissed off, tired and foggy from the drinks, the weed and my obnoxious company. Put my old Canadian bootleg copy of ''Swingers'' in my dvd drive and ta-dah...instant comfort & relaxation. Like taking warm lavender bath then slipping into an old worn robe soft from ten years in the machine wash. AHHHH.

Friday 6 November 2009

Dork, Geek, Nerd, Whatever You Call It

So I am embarrassingly obsessed with the new theatrical trailer for James Cameron's 'Avatar'. I'm a big fat sucker for hollywood blockbusters puctuated with overblown operatic overtures and over the top special effects, all financed with a inflated bulbous budget that rivals many country's GDP's.
When I see or rather ''experience'' this trailer, my eyes get glazed and my face drops into a robotic trance.